
Just as with humans, canines can experience a wide range of dermatological health issues. Left untreated, these skin problems are not only uncomfortable for dogs but can increase their risk of further infection. Fortunately, by keeping an eye on your furry friend, you can catch many of these issues early on and seek proper care from a veterinarian. The guide below lists several conditions to be on the lookout for.

A Guide to Dermatological Issues That Affect Dogs

1. Flea Allergies

Flea saliva and feces can trigger an allergic reaction that has your pup scratching incessantly. If you spot small black insects on your pet and notice frequent scratching, talk to your veterinarian about shampoos and dips that can eliminate the parasite. You should also use a flea prevention product to avoid further infestations—such as collars or topical ointments.  

2. Dry Skin

veterinarianIn some cases, dry and flaky skin can be a sign of fungal infection. However, it can also be a sign your dog is sensitive to certain substances—such as shampoos—or is not drinking enough water or eating the right nutrients. Visit the vet’s office to determine what the cause is and how to treat it. Often, moisturizing ointments and a change in diet may be all that’s needed to fix the problem.  

3. Ringworm  

Ringworm is a common fungal infection that can pass from canine-to-canine and causes one or more round bald spots. Antifungal solutions prescribed by a veterinarian can usually correct the problem.

4. Tick Bites

A tick bite usually produces a raised bump and bulls-eye mark on the skin. These insects should be removed as soon as possible. However, if your pet starts to behave differently or exhibit unusual symptoms, they might have contracted Lyme disease, which requires further treatment.

5. Mange

Caused by a specific type of mite, mange is a skin infection that produces bald spots, scabs, and sores in dogs. Depending on your pet’s health and the extent of the disease, your veterinarian may treat mange with medications that are injected or taken orally.


If you’re concerned about your dog’s skin, talk to the specialists at Yankee Hill Veterinary Hospital in Lincoln, NE. Serving pet parents in the Lancaster County area, this fully-equipped animal hospital offers comprehensive dermatological services to detect and treat common skin issues in dogs. To learn more about the ways these veterinarians can help your dog lead a happy and healthy life, visit the clinic online. For appointments, call (402) 421-8111 to speak with a friendly team member.
