
To drive safely on the road, you must ensure every part of the vehicle is working properly. One major feature is the brakes. Along with regular visits to the auto mechanic, you should also periodically check how they are working and if there are any issues. You could save money on your vehicle in the long run by knowing what to look for. Below are a few signs that signal it’s time for a brake replacement. 

How to Know When to Visit the Auto Mechanic for New Brakes

1. The Indicator Lights Are On

There are some cars that have an indicator light that turns on when it’s time for an auto mechanic to replace the brakes. Some models have a sensor that goes off when the brakes become worn down over time. If you see this light go on, visit the auto repair shop for an update. 

2. There is a Squealing & Screeching Sound 

If you hear consistent squeaking or screeching when you use the brakes, it’s time for an upgrade. The sound is from a small metallic indicator in the brake system that signals when something is wrong. This sound can also be heard after the rain. However, if you keep hearing it after a storm, you should get it checked out. 

3. There is a Metal Grinding Sound

auto mechanicOn some vehicles, there are small metal ridges at the bottom of the brakes. This is to create a loud sound to tell the driver that it’s time for a replacement. When you hear this sound, take the car to the auto mechanic. If you wait too long, the metal ridges could damage other areas of the car, creating more repairs.

4. The Brake Pads Are Less Than a Quarter-Inch

You can also inspect the brakes before deciding whether to take the car into the shop. If you look through the spokes on the tires, you should see the brake pad against the rotor. A brake pad less than a quarter-inch thick means it’s time for a replacement. Take the car to the shop right away to prevent any issues.


If it’s time to visit the auto mechanic for brake replacements, stop by M&R Automotive Service Center in Geneseo, NY, for the best automotive service in Livingston County. For 20 years, their mechanics have been providing repairs and replacements to keep your vehicle safe and reliable on the road. They offer oil changes, tire and brake service, and charging systems. To schedule an inspection for your vehicle, call (585) 243-1201. Visit their website to learn more about their services.
