
With the start of school, you’re likely already practicing on the sports field. In addition to focusing on your athletic performance, it’s also important to focus on injury prevention. Fall sports like tennis, swimming, football, and soccer can take a toll on your body if you aren’t prepared, resulting in injury and a lengthy recovery time. Here are three common fall sports injuries and how to prevent them. 

Common Sports Injuries to Know This Fall

1. Knee Injuries

Sports like soccer and football involve quick changes of direction and sprints, which can result in knee injuries. ACL and menisci tears are particularly common and can require surgery. Always warming up, stretching, and weight training can help keep your knee strong and flexible to prevent these injuries. If you do sustain any type of knee injury, be sure to see a doctor and complete your entire course of physical therapy. This may prevent you from injuring it again. 

2. Tennis Elbow

sports injuriesIf you’re swinging a racket on the court this fall, be sure to watch out for the signs of tennis elbow. This sports injury occurs when the tendons in the elbow are overused. Any sport that involves repetitive motion can put you at risk for this condition. Symptoms include pain and weakness on the outside of the elbow, which radiates down to the wrist. While it can be tricky to prevent tennis elbow, be sure to warm up and stretch properly before you play. Strengthen your forearms through strength-training exercises to better support the forearm. You should also see an orthopedist at the first sign of pain. They might recommend wearing a brace during play.

3. Swimmer’s Shoulder

Similar to tennis elbow, swimmer’s shoulder occurs due to repetitive motion. Swimmers who focus on one type of stroke may be particularly susceptible. This injury involves the inflammation of tendons in the shoulder, which can cause difficult mobility, altered posture, and pain. To prevent this injury, you should always participate in strength training and thorough stretching throughout swimming season. You should also work with your coach to correct your form. If you start feeling pain, tell your coach and make an appointment with a sports injury specialist.  



If you experience a sports injury this fall, the team at Orthopaedic Associates of Rochester can provide efficient diagnosis and treatment. Located in Rochester, NY, these experts offer services encompassing joint care, musculoskeletal health, sports medicine, and bone health. They also serve patients of all ages. Whether you’ve suffered a fracture or want to monitor your arthritis, these orthopedists will develop a care plan to fit your needs. To view a full list of their services, visit them online. You can also call (585) 723-3000 to make an appointment.  
