
It’s easy to lose sight of what matters most when life gets hectic. Balancing work, family life, and social engagements can sometimes have you feeling like you’re being pulled in a thousand different directions at once. If you’re looking for a way to recenter, the guide below offers advice for refocusing on Christ both inside and outside of the church.

How to Keep Faith at Your Core

1. Daily Prayer

Prayer is one of the most fundamental ways of keeping Christ in your life. Make it a point to start or end your days with a few moments of prayer. Thank Him for another day in the morning or ask Him for guidance before you go to bed to help cope with the day’s events. Life is going to have ups and downs and prayer helps maintain stability. 

2. Tune Into a Podcast

churchAmericans commute an average of 200 hours a year to work and back. This doesn’t count other time spent in the car—picking up your kids from school, going to the grocery store, or taking that family road trip. Rather than letting that be wasted time, download religious podcasts you can listen to as you drive. This can help you start and end your morning by putting daily stresses into perspective and reminding you that He has a plan.

3. Volunteer With Your Church 

See what you can do to help out your church throughout the week. This can take many forms—whether it is helping clean up after service, organizing a fundraiser for renovations, or serving food at a soup kitchen. By volunteering, you’re able to spread His word and love. In the process, you will feel closer to your community and the Almighty. 


Whether you’re new to the area or simply looking for a new church home, visit Mount Hebron Missionary Baptist Church in Dickinson, TX. This diverse and caring family is always welcoming to new members who want to learn more about Christ in a warm and friendly atmosphere. Visit their website for more about this community or call them at (409) 218-9339 with questions.
