
Your commercial freezer and refrigerator are some of the most vital pieces of restaurant equipment you own. They keep the food fresh, which keeps it appetizing and safe for the customers. A poorly organized fridge is messy, frustrating, and even unsanitary, so to avoid problems, follow these guidelines.

How to Keep Your Commercial Freezer & Fridge Clean & Neat

1. Label Everything

Having a designated, labeled spot on the shelves for all your dishes and ingredients makes it straightforward to put items away and find them again. You'll also want to label individual packages of food with the date you put them in the fridge. Whenever you add items to the refrigerator, place them at the back and rotate older items to the front of the shelf, ensuring you use them before they expire.

2. Space Food CorrectlyCommercial Freezers

The cold air needs a pathway to reach the food and cool it, especially when you bring something new into the freezer. Leave gaps between packages so the air will circulate. This extra clearance ensures the food doesn't touch, and nothing gets cross-contaminated. Finally, make sure never to set ingredients on the floor and leave at least six inches between the ground and the bottom shelf for accessible sanitation.

3. Consider Food Type

Meat should never be stored high in the fridge or freezer because it can drip on items below it. Store it low and make sure to clean underneath it frequently. Meanwhile, fresh produce should be stored away from the fans, as the airflow will damage these delicate foods. Likewise, many people prefer to keep butter covered and away from other foods to ensure the flavors do not mix.


If you need a refrigeration service to install or repair a commercial freezer, choose Commercial Refrigeration of KY in Campbellsville, KY. For over 30 years, they have been committed to providing the highest quality restaurant equipment to central Kentucky businesses, as well as offering 24/7 service. To schedule, call (270) 465-2910, or read more about their products and services online.
