
There’s a common myth that cats can provide you with pest control. However, while the scent of your furry family member can help deter mice and rats, it’s not enough to keep pests out of your house permanently. The following guide will explain why this is and how you can stay as unattractive to vermin as possible.

Why Can’t Cats Replace an Exterminator?

pest controlMost cats instinctively chase animals smaller than themselves, but not all. Feline personalities come in all kinds, and some cats have no interest in hunting or view rodents as playthings rather than pests they should eliminate. Age can play a role in lack of hunting prowess as well, as older cats usually don’t hunt as much as their younger counterparts.

Felines also have a difficult time controlling mice populations because they can’t access the inside of your walls and other common rodent nesting areas. Also, considering the rate at which mice reproduce, one or even two cats likely won’t be able to keep the population down. Mice also carry diseases they can transmit to your cat, like the hantavirus. Fleas, ticks, and parasites also live on mice, increasing your cat’s chances of contracting an illness such as Lyme disease.

How Can You Keep Rodents Away?

The best pest control methods for maintaining a rodent-free home are exclusion and elimination. Seal all foundation cracks and any other gaps around the exterior of your home — such as those on door and window frames — to keep mice out. Eliminate attractants such as food and crumbs left out in the kitchen and living room, as well as nesting areas such as firewood piled close to your home. Remove food waste on a daily basis by bagging it and placing it in sealed trash cans. Store food in sealed containers. Also, maintain a clean home and thoroughly wash areas with evidence of mouse activity such as urine, as it will otherwise bring more vermin into your home.


If you’re still having issues with rodents, contact your local pest control experts at Acme Pest Control for lasting mice solutions. These experienced exterminators provide insect as well as rodent removal services to keep homes and businesses throughout Concord and Charlotte, NC healthy. They’ll quickly identify nesting locations and areas of entry while also providing expert tips for making your home unfriendly to rodents and other pests.  Call these members of the National Pest Control Association today at (704) 786-4166 to schedule an appointment or learn more about their pest control services online
