
Hiring a divorce lawyer greatly improves your chances for obtaining the results you hope for as your marriage ends. However, your lawyer can only help you if you’re willing to help yourself. Many people don’t realize the important role social media now plays in legal matters. Your online comments, photos, and posts can undermine your lawyer’s efforts, so it’s important to follow good online practices.


Stay off social media.

If it’s at all possible, your divorce lawyer would prefer that you take a break from social media altogether. This is because anything you share online can be used as evidence against you if it’s misconstrued. Even the most innocent comment or photo can be taken out of context and used to support your spouse’s position.

Change your passwords.

Your spouse’s divorce lawyer will want to gain access to your social media accounts, so it’s a good idea to change all your passwords. Additionally, any posts you do make should be set to “friends only” in your privacy settings. This will help you limit who can see your content.

Google yourself.

divorce lawyerBy doing a thorough search of your name, you can find out what’s been posted publicly without your knowledge. This can help you uncover unflattering posts that may be used against you in your divorce. If you do come across something, bring it to your attorney’s attention as soon as possible.


Discuss your divorce.

While this applies to in-person conversations, it also applies to any comments or posts you may make online. You never know who’s on your side and who may be supporting your spouse, so it’s best to keep details to yourself. Additionally, anything you share may become accessible to the public, so it’s just better to avoid making any statements about your spouse or your divorce.

Post any questionable material.

If you do engage in online activity, think before you post. You may think that photo of yourself swimming with two members of the opposite sex is cute and innocent, but ask yourself if your spouse’s lawyer can use that image against you. Even in mediation, unflattering social media posts may be used to help your spouse get the upper hand.

Don’t make negative comments about your spouse.

This is especially true if your divorce will include a child custody dispute. Posting derogatory comments about your spouse can make you seem bitter or uncompromising. When a family court judge is considering custody requests, they’ll be less likely to side with a parent who seems unable to be respectful of the other parent. In fact, it’s better to avoid mentioning your spouse at all.


If you need legal representation for your divorce proceedings, turn to Bates Law Firm PLLC. Located in Wadesboro, NC, and serving Anson, Richmond, Stanly, and Union counties, the firm offers the experience you need from a skilled divorce lawyer. To learn more about family law and the team’s other areas of practice, browse their website. Whether you have a quick legal question or need to set up an initial consultation, call (704) 694-0195 to speak with an expert today.
