
If you want to explore the coastal environments of Hawaii, consider going on a snorkeling or SNUBA tour. While these activities allow people to get closer to marine life, they function a little differently. Before you decide which adventure you want, here are a few details about snorkeling and SNUBA, and what makes them unique.

What’s the Difference Between Snorkeling & SNUBA?

What Does the Process Involve?

Using a mask with a short breathing tube, snorkeling allows individuals to breathe air from above the water. SNUBA is a unique hybrid that combines snorkeling and scuba diving. Like snorkeling, this method allows individuals to explore the ocean without the need for carrying heavy oxygen tanks; however, participants are tethered to the surface’s supply, allowing them to swim as deep as 20 feet below. During a SNUBA tour, you’ll breathe from a long tube that’s connected to an oxygen source above water.

What Marine Environments Can You Explore?

SNUBASnorkeling is ideal for people who want to swim in shallow areas, like the coastal reefs. In these environments, you can view marine life while floating comfortably at the surface. SNUBA is recommended for people who want to try diving.

What Training Is Required?

To remain comfortable and get the most out of both experiences, you should know how to swim. Unlike scuba diving- snorkeling and SNUBA don’t require specialized training or certifications, making them ideal for people of all ages and abilities.

While SNUBA doesn’t require a certification, you will need a guide. Since you’ll be at depths up to 20 feet, SNUBA is offered only by licensed professionals who understand how to operate equipment and guide introductory SNUBA divers. Go beyond snorkeling!


If you want to go on a snorkeling or upgrade to a SNUBA excursion, contact the team at Ko Olina Ocean Adventures in Kapolei, HI. This ecotourism company offers aquatic adventures where you can see tropical fish and Hawaiian green sea turtles up close. These professionals will also introduce you to many other exciting ways to experience Oahu, such as dolphin watching and sunset sailing tours. Learn more about their excursions online, or call (808) 396-2068 to book a reservation.
