
When you join Ko Olina Ocean Adventures in Kapolei, HI for a snorkeling trip in the beautiful waters of Hawaii, you’re in for magical encounters with the islands’ ocean life. Among the sand and coral, bright tropical fish dart through the water, catching the sunlight and amazing all those who see them—just as they have done for centuries. Here are just a few of the species you may encounter during your catamaran sail and snorkel adventure.

The Types of Fish in the West Oahu Reefs

1. Butterflyfish

These bright yellow fish have a flat, rounded shape similar to the insects they are named for. 25 species including both speckled four spot and striped raccoon varieties can be found off the coast of Oahu.

2. Cornetfish

Also called flutemouths, cornetfish are elongated, silvery fish up to six and a half feet in length. Their long snouts and distinctive fins separate them from the eels and make them enchanting to watch as they dart through the water.

3. Dascyllus

SnorkelingThe Hawaiian dascyllus is a black and white fish whose markings look like a black mesh outlining its scales. Younger fish may show bold black-and-white stripes and patches that soften as they mature.

4. Goatfish

While the name may not sound attractive, goatfish are beautiful both alone and in large schools. The wide array of markings and colors—including spots, stripes, yellow fins, pink bodies, and more—means you’ll never know what variety you may see.

5. Moorish Idol

This is another classic reef fish with bold colored stripes and a distinctive shape. The long, pointed dorsal fin trails through the water behind a narrow, rounded snout and stripes of black, white, and yellow.

Snorkeling is always one of the most exciting things to do in Hawaii, and with Ko Olina Ocean Adventures, you’ll be able to enjoy some of the best snorkeling spots on Oahu. Join them for a day trip and experience all the wonder and charm of Hawaii’s most beautiful species of fish. To schedule, call (808) 396-2068 or visit their website to send a message.
