
For most dental patients, six months is the standard interval for teeth cleanings. If you don’t visit your dentist this often, you may wonder why that’s necessary. Understanding all the ways this service helps you may convince you to start taking up this habit. To assist you with caring for your pearly whites, here’s a guide to what’s involved in these bi-annual dental exams.

Why You Need Teeth Cleanings Every 6 Months

Plaque Removal

While brushing and flossing twice a day will help keep plaque at bay, even the most diligent patients still experience some natural plaque buildup in hard-to-reach places. Plaque will harden and turn into tartar, which can eventually lead to issues like gum disease. Only hygienists have the tools to scrape away hardened plaque to prevent these issues.

Decay Prevention

teeth cleaningsTooth decay can develop from a diet high in sugar, poor oral hygiene, weak enamel, and several other factors. Because decay progresses if left untreated, neglecting dental visits allows cavities to expand. Over time, decay could eventually make its way to the nerves of the teeth, leading to a need for root canal therapy. Visiting your dentist every six months allows dental care professionals to look for and address decay in its earliest forms to minimize the risk that you’ll need more invasive or costly treatment. 

Screenings for Any Issues

In addition to prevention tactics, dentists perform screenings to look for issues that would otherwise escape your notice. For example, if you’re a smoker or have a family history of oral cancer, your dental care team will look closely for any signs of the disease, including lumps or ulcers. If you take medications for the heart or depression, you’re at an increased risk for gum disease, so they’ll ensure your mouth is healthy. Early detection helps you avoid the progression of these issues.


If you’re due for a teeth cleaning and are seeking a friendly dentist to make your experience as comfortable as possible, turn to North Chautauqua Dental PC. Having served Chautauqua County, NY, since 1980, this welcoming practice offers patient-oriented services for the whole family, including general and restorative dentistry. View some of their most popular treatments by visiting their website or call (716) 366-6822 to schedule an appointment.
