
Naturopathic medicine is a growing field and popular treatment for people facing many medical conditions. It addresses acute and chronic illnesses and may be exactly what you’re looking for alongside traditional care. If you’re new to the topic, you’ll find answers to common questions below.

Naturopathic Medicine Questions Answered

What is naturopathic medicine?

Naturopathic medicine, also called naturopathy, focuses on natural care rather than traditional medical treatment and medication. It employs techniques, including chiropractic care, acupuncture, massage, and herbal treatments. This care also encourages healthy lifestyle changes, such as improved exercise and diet, to not only treat conditions but also achieve greater health.

What is a naturopathic physician?

A naturopathic physician is a trained and certified medical professional focused on natural healing. They’re trained to document and diagnose symptoms, advise on therapeutic lifestyle changes and nutrition, and examine diagnostic health results and patient history. They enroll in ongoing post-graduate education and training programs and are educated in therapies that treat the body as a whole and herbal treatments.

What types of conditions are treated?

naturopathic-medicine-ellenburg-center-for-natural-medicineNaturopathic can be used as a complementary treatment for most acute and chronic illnesses. These can range from back pain to respiratory and neurological conditions. It can also help with recovery and physical therapy following injuries or surgery and may also assist with mental health through stress, pain, and anxiety reduction. While it’s not a replacement for traditional care, it can be a powerful addition to a care regimen.

Who is the ideal candidate?

Patients who are looking to manage problematic side effects or reduce pain and don’t want to use medication may prefer naturopathic medicine. Those looking for more focused care and also wanting guidance on positive lifestyle changes will also benefit. In many cases, naturopathic medicine treats the person rather than the condition, and care may help with prevention.



If you’re interested in exploring naturopathic medicine further, Ellenburg Center for Natural Medicine Inc. provides a variety of resources. Based in Anchorage, AK, their skilled team, led by Dr. Michael J. Ellenburg, provides a wide scope of care, including acupuncture and massage therapy. They encourage a self-healing approach, and you can learn more about their services and philosophy online. Call (907) 563-2366 to schedule a consultation.
