
The sight or sound of water flowing where it shouldn’t be is alarming to any homeowner. It’s also a clear sign that there’s a broken pipe somewhere in the house. Whether you hear the noise first or discover it after the fact, it’s imperative to take action promptly. Here’s what you should do when a pipe breaks.

How to Deal With a Broken Pipe

1. Turn the Water Off

It doesn’t matter where the source of the break is located. The key is to stop water from flowing onto your property and causing potential damage. You can do that right away by turning off the supply using the water main shutoff valve. In some cases, this valve is situated outside, while in other homes it’s in the basement or in a crawl space.

2. Turn a Faucet On

Thomasville, NC broken pipeIt may seem counterintuitive to do so after you’ve just turned off the water, but opening a faucet anywhere in the house is an efficient way to minimize any pressure that remains in your pipes.

3. Check for Electrical Switches

Avoid any electrical devices in the area of the leak at all costs. To be safe, turn off the electrical main supply so that there’s no chance of water and electricity coming into contact with one another. Avoid using any type of electrical device in the vicinity of the broken pipe, too.

4. Contact a Plumbing Expert

In order to properly handle this issue, a plumber will need to find the source of the leak and perform the repairs. Taking the other steps in advance will make it easier for your plumbing repair technician to access the pipe and also protect your property from further potential damage.

5. Try to Collect Water

It may be difficult depending on the location of the pipe and the severity of the leak, but if it’s possible, you should try to collect some of the water right away to spare your belongings from serious damage. Use buckets to haul some of it away from your flooring and walls. The quicker you can remove the moisture, the less likely that issues such as mold and mildew will develop.


Homeowners throughout Thomasville and High Point, NC, trust in the plumbers at Bohannon’s Plumbing & General Repairs whenever there’s a broken pipe or water leak. These qualified professionals offer more than 30 years of industry experience handling everything from standard plumbing repairs to more serious emergency issues. Visit them online to find out more about how they can assist you or give them a call at (336) 561-9444 to schedule an emergency appointment.
