
If you have a bare green space on your property, it may need a few additions to turn it into a beautiful and functional outdoor area. To complete this transformation, many homeowners install elegant landscaping products. Here are a few additions that would bring interest into your backyard.

Useful Landscaping Products for Your Backyard

1. Stone Walkways

Without a pathway, a backyard can feel aimless, and guests may stray too close to your delicate flowers and plants. A stone path will create an interesting contrast between greenery and rock, and it’ll dictate the walkway, guiding foot traffic to the areas you want. As you plan the layout, consider where guests enter and exit the outdoor space, the location of your most attractive areas, and current lighting in the yard.

2. Trickling Fountains

landscaping productThis landscaping product creates a sense of dynamic motion by adding height to the outdoor area, which allows the water to showcase a beautiful cascade. Additionally, the sound of water will add a soothing rhythm, potentially muffling sounds of nearby road traffic or noisy passersby. For added drama, light the fountain from underneath to highlight the water’s changing shape as it falls.

3. Rock Benches

Evoking a natural theme and feeling part of the landscape design, rock benches are a subtle way to incorporate seating into your outdoor area. Place two or more at the end of a stone walkway to give guests an inviting seating space, or put one under a tree to create a quiet reflection area in the shade.


If you want to upgrade your backyard with these landscaping products, contact the team at Big Rock Manufacturing in Honolulu, HI. Since 1983, these professionals have provided Oahu homeowners with a variety of garden accents, including water features, rock walls, and stone edgers. View their outdoor enhancements online, or call (808) 834-7625 to request a free estimate.
