
Rose bushes are a beautiful addition to your yard. The flowers add instant curb appeal and provide vibrant color to your landscape or garden. While it’s possible for roses to blossom all summer long, proper care is needed.

What makes rose bushes stop blooming?

1. Over Fertilizing

High-nitrogen foods and over-use of fertilizer may impact how your flowers blossom (or whether they do at all). Nutrient deficiencies can not only cause fewer buds but also smaller roses.

2. Not Enough Sunlight Exposure

The amount of sunlight your rose bush gets influences how it blooms. If it’s getting less than six hours a day, it may be why your flowers aren’t blooming.

3. Too Much Water

Too much water can cause the leaves to wilt and fall off your flowers. Overwatering also results in a stressed rose bush that ends up reducing its bud formation.

How can I help my rose bush bloom?

1. Use granulated fertilizer

Flowers in Eagle River, AKMake sure you’re applying a granular fertilizer that is specifically formulated for roses. It’s best to fertilize these flowers in the spring once leaves have sprouted, then after each cycle of blooming throughout the summer. It’s also a good idea to check to make sure the soil pH is balanced. Fertilizer should be applied about half a foot from the base of the bush.

2. Make sure the flowers get enough light

If possible, increase the amount of exposure your rose bush has to the sun throughout the day. This may require cutting down a few tree branches that are blocking it.

3. Water once a week

To prevent wilting, water your roses once a week while the flowers are still growing. A few inches of water per week should suffice. Soil should be moist, but not soggy.


P & M Garden Services of Eagle River, AK has more than 38 years of experience providing residents with the garden supplies they need to grow the garden of their dreams. These flower experts have everything you need to ensure your roses blossom into a gorgeous rose bush. Call them today at 907-694-9293 or visit them online to learn more about their services.
