
Whether you prefer flats or stilettos, summer may put your favorite pair of shoes in harm’s way. From lively festivals to long sightseeing trips, they’re bound to see some serious wear and tear in the coming months. If you’re hoping to protect your shoes without limiting your summer activities, use these tips to keep them looking their best.

How to Maintain Shoes During the Summer

1. Use Newspaper to Soak Up Moisture

While sunny days are preferred during the warmer months, sudden thunderstorms are common. Unfortunately, you may be out and about when it starts pouring, leaving your shoes soggy and at risk of mildew growth. Instead of throwing them out, ball up a couple of sheets of newspaper and stuff them inside your soles. Let them sit for a few hours, so the paper soaks up the excess moisture, and leave them in a cool, well-ventilated place.

2. Don’t Forget to Deodorize

shoesWalking around in the hot sun will inevitably lead to perspiration. In your shoes, this natural physical reaction will spur the removal of dead skin cells, sometimes resulting in a foul odor. To leave your shoes smelling fresh again, use a baby wipe or facial cleansing wipe to remove sweat and dead skin cells, and use a soft toothbrush to scrub away stubborn stains. Then, use a deodorizing spray or odor-neutralizing balls to get rid of the musty smell. Additionally, you can stick sneakers in the washing machine for a deeper clean.

3. Let the Mess Harden First

If you’re stuck in a rainstorm, walking outside when there is still morning dew, or have to walk in the grass in heels, you could end up with mud caked on your shoes. In this case, you might hurry to wipe off the mess before it stains your shoes permanently. However, the best method is to sit back and wait. Once mud hardens, it will be much easier to brush off without smudging it further into the fabric. 



If these tips don’t save your favorite pair, take them to Sofia Shoe Repair Service of Rochester, NY. These shoe repair experts will know just how to eliminate that stain or smell or replace a torn-up sole or worn-down heel. Their meticulous attention to detail is the result of over 72 years of experience, so you can walk away proud to wear your refurbished shoes. For more information on their services, visit their website or call (585) 244-5907.
