
Just like adults, children need to brush their teeth twice a day to help fight cavity-causing plaque. But while they’re still getting accustomed to the habit, it’s common for kids to brush improperly. If you’re worried about your little one’s at-home dental care, here are five common oral hygiene mistakes to watch for and how you can fix them.  

5 Ways Kids Brush Incorrectly & How to Address Them

1. Finishing Too Quickly  

When children consider dental care to be a chore, they will often rush through the brushing process and end up leaving plaque behind. To ensure your little one is getting a more complete clean, set a timer for two minutes and have them brush until the time is up.

2. Missing Teeth

Every tooth collects plaque, but kids are known to clean only the ones they can see and miss other important areas. To improve your child’s technique, brush with them. As you practice oral hygiene together, remind your child to clean every side of every tooth, including the molars in the back.

3. Using Too Much Force

Kids might think that brushing harder means keeping their smiles cleaner. However, too much abrasive action can erode enamel and leave teeth more susceptible to cavities. Upgrading to a soft-bristled or electronic brush will help prevent this kind of damage.  

4. Keeping a Brush Too Long

dental careIn general, a toothbrush should only be used for three months. But kids may forget how much time has passed since they started using theirs. You can tell if your child’s toothbrush is due for an upgrade if the bristles appear worn or frayed. Once you purchase a new brush, make a note on your calendar to replace it in a few months.

5. Brushing Right After Meals

Brushing immediately after a meal or dessert may seem like getting a head-start on dental care. However, brushing too soon can intensify the acids left behind by food and contribute to enamel erosion. Have your child wait 30 minutes after eating to clean their teeth. In the meantime, they can rinse with water to help remove food debris.


On Oahu and Maui, Pedodontic Associates has been a reliable resource for kids who need to improve their dental care for over 25 years. Taking a personalized and friendly approach, these kids’ dentists help their patients appreciate the importance of good oral hygiene as well as master the proper brushing and flossing techniques. Visit the pediatric dentistry clinic online to learn more about the ways they can protect your child’s smile. For appointments, call (808) 735-1733 to reach the Honolulu office, (808) 487-7933 for Aiea, or (808) 877-0066 for Kahului.
