
The condition of your asphalt driveway impacts the functionality of your yard and the overall value of the property. Crumbling pavement is also a major liability, as mail carriers, neighbors, and anyone else who walks on the driveway could fall and get hurt. You’ll be held legally and financially responsible for their medical bills. It’s natural to have questions about how to keep your investment in great shape, so read the answers below to develop a maintenance plan. 

Common Questions About Asphalt Driveway Upkeep

How can I prevent impressions in the surface?

To prevent tread marks and other noticeable grooves and imprints in the asphalt, be mindful of when you park on the driveway. During summer heatwaves, it’s best to leave cars on the street or tucked away in the garage. The heat weakens the bonds holding the pavement together. Vehicles, campers, and other heavy equipment could sink slightly into the softer surface.

How can I remove stains?

Wasilla-Alaska-asphalt-drivewayOil stains are a common threat to asphalt driveways. The chemicals can break through the seal and eat away at the material underneath. Regularly inspect the pavement for slick areas and shiny residue. To prevent permanent damage, clean the area with a degreasing solution. You could also sprinkle kitty litter over the spots to absorb the oil before it seeps into the asphalt. 

Why is sealcoating necessary?

Exposure to chemicals, oxygen, moisture, and UV rays slowly wear down the protective seal on the asphalt driveway. The material can dry out and become brittle or turn from rich black to dull gray as a result. That’s why you should invest in asphalt sealcoating every few years. Applying a new sealant will restore the like-new appearance of the installation and serve as a barrier to protect it from the elements. 

How else can I protect my driveway?

If you live in a four-season climate, remember to clean the driveway when you rake leaves in the yard this fall. Otherwise, the damp foliage could stick to the pavement, deteriorate, and leave behind stains. If you get hit with several feet of snow in winter, use a shovel to clear the top few feet. When you get closer to the pavement, switch to a sturdy brush to dust off the remaining powder. This way, you’ll avoid leaving scrapes and nicks in the pavement from the shovel.


For asphalt repairs and sealcoating to protect your driveway in Alaska’s northern climate, reach out to the technicians at MJM Services. Based in Wasilla, the team at this family-owned business uses state-of-the-art equipment and materials to ensure clients’ asphalt driveways won’t buckle in hot, frigid, or damp conditions. To ask additional questions and schedule a service appointment, call (907) 376-5222. Visit the paving company online to see project photos and click over to Facebook to leave a review. 
