
There are a number of conditions with the potential to cause hearing loss when not correctly treated. One of the most common is swimmer's ear. It occurs when the ear canal is irritated or swollen, often because of an infection. While it can often be cleared up with time and basic care, you should see an audiologist to avoid any potential complications.


While this irritation can sometimes be caused by chemicals in hair products, it's most often due to an infection. Bacteria can most easily infiltrate the sensitive skin of the ear canal when it's broken. This can occur while trying to clean it out with an object or because of water that doesn't drain out of the ear correctly.


If your ear canal is irritated, you will likely feel some pain and itchiness. If it's caused by infection, there may be pus, which produces an unpleasant smell. You may have some hearing loss or notice a buzzing or ringing in the affected ear. In extreme cases, this can lead to fever, head or neck pain, body-wide infection, or bone and cartilage damage.

Prevention & Treatment

Hearing LossTo prevent swimmer's ear, avoid irritating the ear canal. Don’t clean your ears with cotton swabs or other objects; instead, soften the earwax with a few drops of baby oil or hydrogen peroxide, then squirt warm water in afterward to rinse it out. If you swim, wear professional quality earplugs to help prevent dirty water and pool chemicals from entering the ear canal. If you get swimmer's ear anyway, you'll likely need antibiotics. Your local audiologist can provide an exam test and treatment for any hearing loss.


If you're concerned about hearing loss for any reason, make an appointment with Solbrig Hearing Center in Kerrville, TX. Serving Kerr County for over 15 years, they work with a wide range of insurance companies to provide accessible, state-of-the-art care for hearing loss, including hearing aids. To schedule a visit, call (830) 895-5900. To learn more about their services, visit the website.
