
If you have sensitive teeth, you’re no stranger to discomfort when sipping hot coffee in the morning or enjoying an ice cream cone in the summer heat. If tooth sensitivity has started interfering with your everyday life, it’s wise to seek dental care. Your provider can diagnose the underlying cause of the problem and then recommend an effective treatment, which might include one or more of the following. 

3 Ways to Reduce Tooth Sensitivity 

1. Use a Specially Formulated Toothpaste 

dental careToothpaste made for sensitive teeth reinforce the dentin. They block the tubules, which are microscopic channels that extend from the pulp to the underside of the enamel. Blocking these tubules prevents hot and cold beverages from hitting the pulp. This can reduce pain considerably because the pulp contains the tooth’s nerve, connective tissue, and blood vessels. 

2. Limit Acidic Foods & Beverages 

Acidic foods and drinks can make already sensitive teeth even more vulnerable by contributing to the further deterioration of the enamel. If you have tooth sensitivity, it’s wise to limit your consumption of wine, coffee, tomato products, citrus fruits, cranberries, and pickles.

3. Apply a Protective Coating to the Teeth 

If your teeth are especially sensitive, there are a few dental care procedures that may help. For example, your dentist can apply fluoride varnish or plastic resin to the most sensitive areas of the teeth. Depending on the specific material used and your lifestyle habits, the coating can last for a few months or a few years. 


If tooth sensitivity is keeping you from enjoying the little things in life, turn to Lowitz & Meier for diagnosis and treatment. For more than 30 years, this dentist office has been providing unparalleled dental care for the residents of Cincinnati, OH. As a family dentistry practice, they perform all kinds of oral health procedures, from teeth whitening to implants, for patients of all ages. To browse the dental care services they provide, visit their website. To schedule an appointment, call (513) 521-8900.
