
Clean teeth are essential for a beautiful smile, but healthy gums are just as important. But, when they aren’t properly cared for, gums can succumb to periodontal disease — an infection that causes the gums to become red and swollen and prone to bleeding — among other issues that require advanced treatment from a family dentist. To help you keep every part of your smile healthy, here are a few ways to protect your gums.

5 Ways to Protect Your Gums

1. Use Mouthwash

Apart from refreshing your breath, rinsing with an antiseptic mouthwash is an excellent way to kill lingering bacteria in the mouth and prevent gum-damaging plaque from forming. If you’re looking for extra protection, ask your family dentist about products that are specifically designed to fight gingivitis — the early stage of periodontal disease.

2. Floss Daily

family dentistWhile brushing can remove a considerable amount of plaque from the teeth and gums, it won’t effectively clean the hard-to-reach spaces between teeth and under the gum line. Floss at least once a day, taking care to guide the string down the entire length of the tooth, as well as under the gums where the tooth emerges.

3. Stay Hydrated

Drinking enough water every day offers many oral health benefits — such as providing fluoride to strengthen teeth and to rinse away plaque and food particles. In terms of gum care, staying hydrated also prevents dry mouth — an issue that allows oral bacteria to thrive.

4. Don’t Smoke

If you don’t smoke, don’t start. If you do, ask your doctor about potential ways to quit. Smoking cigarettes can double your risk of developing gum disease. This increased risk is linked to smoking’s negative effect on immune health, making it more difficult for your body to fight off oral bacteria.

5. Visit Your Family Dentist Regularly

While there are many ways to protect your gums at home, it’s still important to visit a dentist for check-ups at least once every six months. During these visits, you’ll receive a professional teeth cleaning to clear away hard-to-remove plaque and tartar. Your family dentist will also take time to inspect your gums to identify and treat early signs of gingivitis.


Whether you’re concerned about your gums or are due for a routine teeth cleaning, Ed Struss Family Dentistry will help safeguard your smile. Based in Lexington, KY, this family dentist offers comprehensive care to patients of all ages — including preventive exams, fillings, and gingivitis care. During your check-ups, Dr. Struss will review your oral hygiene capabilities and offer tips on how to achieve a cleaner, healthier smile. To learn more about these services, visit this practice online. For appointments, call (859) 278-7434.
