
When you head to the gym, you might usually run on the treadmill or get on a bike, but there are other options when you need to shake up your routine. Kickboxing has become increasingly popular, emerging as a great way to boost your physical condition. Here are a few physical benefits that come with kickboxing. 

3 Ways Kickboxing Helps Your Body

1. Trim Fat

Because kickboxing involves so many fast movements, it’s a great way to get your cardio in. When you’re doing an activity that gets your heart pumping to that degree, it helps you burn calories quickly. As an added benefit, the high cardio means you’ll increase your blood circulation, feeding key nutrients to your body.

2. Build Muscles

gymAs part of kickboxing, you’ll be constantly kicking and punching, helping develop the muscles in both your arms and your legs. Just as importantly, warm-ups and cool-downs often include other muscle-building activities such as push-ups, planks, and sit-ups. You’ll become stronger as you go to more classes at the gym, making you more powerful and confident as time goes on.  

3. Boost Your Flexibility 

As you gain muscle and develop speed, you’ll notice an increase in other elements of athletic performance. A study that observed kickboxers over a series of five weeks reported significant increases in both flexibility and agility. Because the jabs and kicks require speed and height in addition to force, your body will begin to adapt by increasing your range of motion over time.


If you’re looking for a great kickboxing class, become a member at Life & Elite Fitness CO in Snohomish, WA. In addition to an advanced weight room and an array of fitness classes, the gym offers kickboxing throughout the year. With both personal and group options available, you can find the perfect class size for your needs. To learn about how to become a member, call (206) 450-0964. Learn more about the gym by visiting their website
