
Asbestos is a building material widely used in residential and commercial properties in the 1960s. It was banned in the mid-1980s after exposure to the fibers were linked to serious health risks, from respiratory issues to lung cancer. While many modern homes don’t contain the material, those built before the ‘60s still have the fibers embedded in insulation, flooring, and roofing. Removing this carcinogen protects inhabitants from developing illnesses.

Diseases Connected to Asbestos

1. Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is cancer that appears in the thin protective lining called the mesothelium. Tumors can also grow in the stomach, lung, heart, or testicular lining. According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer, evidence has found that asbestos causes this condition. In fact, between 70 to 80% of all cases have been attributed to asbestos exposure.

2. Asbestosis

asbestosAsbestosis—also known as fibrosis of the lungs—is a progressive pulmonary disease that affects the function and health of the lungs. When the fibers are inhaled, they cause scar tissue to form in the lungs, which hardens them and reduces their ability to expand. This makes breathing more painful and difficult over time. According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, there are approximately 200,000 patients diagnosed and 2,000 deaths annually.

3. Lung Cancer

Though it’s not as common as other illnesses, lung cancer is also associated with asbestos exposure. It’s most commonly an issue among asbestos workers, as they have the highest exposure levels. According to the American Cancer Society, most cases of lung cancer occur in asbestos workers at least 15 years after their first exposure.



If you’re concerned that asbestos may be present in your building, contact the team at Action Asbestos Removal in Montville, CT, to test your building. If they find the material, they’ll conduct quick and effective asbestos abatement. They offer emergency services for residents across New London County, so you don’t have to live with the danger any longer than necessary. Visit them online to browse their services and call (860) 848-2912 to schedule an appointment.
