
Utility poles are sturdy structures that deliver essential utilities to properties in both city and rural areas. While these poles are built to last for decades, they experience wear and tear just like other wooden structures. It’s imperative to spot a weak utility pole to prevent an accident or a power outage. Here is a guide that details when it’s time to replace a utility pole. 

3 Indicators a Utility Pole Needs Replacing

1. Diseased Wood

Wood is susceptible to different kinds of fungus. Since utility poles are exposed to the elements, they receive plenty of rainfall. Depending on its location, it may not receive enough sunlight to dry it out completely, making the wood vulnerable to moisture. Since fungi thrive in moisture, they threaten the pole’s stability and weaken it, leaving it susceptible to pests. This type of decay isn’t reversible and will only make your pole weaker over time, eventually leading to a collapse.

2. Old Age

utility poleUtility poles don’t last forever. Generally, these structures have a lifespan of about 40 years. If they’re older than that, the wood is likely weak. It’s worth keeping a timetable of when all nearby poles were installed and projections of when they may need to be replaced. While it’s possible for a pole to last beyond four decades, it’s wise to increase inspections as they age to detect any signs of weakness or failure. 

3. Dramatic Lean

A utility pole can loosen from its anchoring point over time. In some cases, heavy storms can deteriorate the structure, while in others, a poor installation can result in limited stability. You can usually tell if the pole is slightly loose if it leans in one direction. That angled shift is a major concern since a strong gust may blow it over, putting pedestrians and cars in danger as well as triggering an electrical outage. 



If you believe a utility pole is at the end of its lifespan, contact The Hole Works in Franklinville, NY. In business for more than 20 years, the professionals will install a new pole and ensure it’s anchored securely. They also offer construction equipment rentals if you’re interested in starting a new construction project. To discuss your specific needs, call (716) 676-3998. Learn more about the company’s hole drilling services by visiting their website.  
