
Preparing meals every day can be challenging if you’re getting older. While you want to maintain your independent lifestyle, it’s also important to know when to reach out for assistance or to seek more efficient methods for managing your diet. Fortunately, there are many different ways to make your daily meal prep much more manageable. Below are three helpful tips.

3 Meal Prep Tips for Seniors

1. Plan Ahead

To cut down on the time you spend cooking and shopping, look for recipes that are simple and contain few ingredients. Consider recipes that share ingredients, so you won’t have to purchase a new set of ingredients for each meal. For instance, many popular Italian-American dishes consist of different variations of sauce, pasta, meat, and cheese.

Store these recipes somewhere handy, like on a calendar, in a notebook, or on your cell phone, and plan your meals for the upcoming week before you go shopping. Before heading to the grocery store, check your pantry to see which items you already have and make a list of the additional ingredients you need. 

2. Hire a Home Health Aide

meal-prepIf you’d like to further simplify your meal prep, hire a home health aide. With the help of a professional assistant, you can rest assured that you’ll have nutritious, well-balanced meals ready every day without having to deal with grocery shopping or kitchen preparations. This is an effective option for seniors who don’t want to cook every day or have extensive dietary restrictions. 

3. Invest in Gadgets

Invest in appliances that will reduce the number of hours you need to spend in the kitchen. A crockpot is an incredibly effective gadget to utilize in your daily meal routine; simply place the ingredients into the slow cooker, and it’ll be ready in a few hours. Other helpful tools include food processors (which allow you to chop foods safely) and blenders (which are excellent for making dressings and smoothies). 



If you’re interested in hiring a home aide to help you with meal prep, turn to the team at Visiting Angels Toms River. This premier company in Toms River, NJ, specializes in a variety of services for seniors. They’ll work with you to customize a comprehensive care plan that best meets your needs. Give them a call today at (732) 249-1050 or visit them online to learn more about their full range of services.
