
Life obligations make it challenging to do daily or weekly readings at home. Whether you’ve recently started going to church or are looking to renew your faith, joining a Bible study group is an excellent way to honor your commitment with the Lord. If you’re looking for a way to better interpret the Word of God, consider these reasons to join a Bible study group.

Top Benefits of Bible Study

1. Improve Your Relationship With God

The Bible is the text Jesus used to communicate God’s lessons and profound love for the beings He created. Through the study of His words, you’ll strengthen your relationship with God and better yourself as a person by following His teachings. Participating in a group study provides you with an easy schedule to commit to, improving this important relationship.

2. Make New Friends

Bible studyParticipating in a group study allows you to interact with others who share your values and put the Lord as a priority in their life. Forming relationships with people who understand your commitment to God will motivate you to be more active in the Christian community, like attending Sunday services and leading a youth ministry.

3. Discover Various Interpretations

God’s teachings are about love, kindness, and forgiveness, and participating in passage discussions allows you to hear other people’s thoughts and perspectives. Since everyone has their own experiences, someone’s interpretation of the Bible could be different than yours, enabling you to broaden your insight and get a deeper understanding of the lesson.


If you’re looking for a place to deepen your faith and participate in a Bible study, head to the City of Refuge Christian Church in Waipahu, HI. Established over 30 years ago under the direction of Dr. Wayne E. Anderson, this local church provides spiritual strength and stimulation to people of all ages and ethnic groups. Learn more about their youth ministry online, or call (808) 677-5677 to speak with a member of the church.
