
Many families opt for cremation services after the passing of a loved one. There are many decisions to make during this time, such as selecting an urn and determining how to handle the ashes. But what many don’t realize is that they have quite a few options before the cremation takes place. Here are a few points to keep in mind.

What You Should Know About Cremation Options


It’s a common misconception that the family cannot have a viewing if they opt for cremation. However, the two are not mutually exclusive. If the family wishes, they may have an open casket at a traditional funeral service to allow loved ones the opportunity to pay their respects and offer their condolences. If desired, the casket can also be a cremation container, in which case it must be made completely with wood or some type of alternative composition, like wicker or bamboo.  


Wayne, WV cremationBecause the cremation can occur several days after the person’s death, it’s also appropriate to host a traditional funeral service if the family chooses. This is a chance for everyone to gather, share their memories, and honor the person’s life with dignity and respect. In lieu of a funeral before the cremation, however, some families might opt to hold a traditional memorial service in the aftermath. In that case, they may place the urn on a table at the front of the room in memory of the person. This is another opportunity to honor the deceased’s life, and there is room to include anything from prayer readings to music to casual speeches.


There are no specific rules that apply when it comes to handling the ashes. Some may choose to sprinkle them in a sacred location that was meaningful to the deceased. Others might prefer to keep the urn at home. And some might even opt to bury the remains in a plot or place the urn in a columbarium. There are no right or wrong decisions, and families can request guidance from the funeral director if they’re interested in learning more about these suitable options.


Losing a loved one is one of life’s most difficult experiences. In the wake of your loss, the compassionate staff at Morris Funeral Home is ready to assist with everything that you need. Based in Wayne, WV, the funeral home offers cremations, burials, and funeral services that are fully customized according to your family’s needs. Visit them online to learn more about their service options, and call (304) 272-5171 to request more information.
