
As spring transitions to summer, many fresh fruits and vegetables are available nationwide. Eating in-season produce is considered healthier, since it tends to have more flavor and nutrients. Apart from the health benefits, seasonal fruits are often more affordable due to lower transportation costs. If you’re looking for treats to enjoy this time of year, here’s a list of some of the produce you’re likely to find at the market. 

Fresh Fruits Available During Late Spring & Summer

1. Cherries

Typically harvested in June through August, cherries are good sources of vitamins C and A. This means they’ll work towards boosting your immune system and vision. For the best quality, choose ones that are firm to the touch and have stems attached. Consume them immediately or keep fresh fruit in the refrigerator for as long as five days.  

2. Strawberries

fresh fruitsAlthough strawberries are grown from January to November, they are at their best from April to June. Like cherries, they are rich in vitamin C. They also contain folate, which produces blood cells and aids development. For the sweetest berries, select ones that are bright red and have green caps. Wash them only when you’re about to eat them, as they absorb water and can become soggy. Store them in the refrigerator for no longer than three days.

3. Blueberries   

Whether you prefer them baked in a pie or straight from the carton, blueberries are seasonal treats that pack a nutritional punch. One cup of berries provides almost a quarter of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin C, which can help control blood pressure and reduce your risk of heart disease. Blueberries reach their peak in July. They’ll last for two weeks in the fridge and up to a year in the freezer, so you can enjoy them year-round.


If you prefer a juicy, handheld snack, reach for a peach. This stone fruit is rich in antioxidants that can help you recover from injuries and promote immune system function. Beta-carotene, the nutrient that gives peaches their golden hue, converts to vitamin A in the body to protect your eyesight. This high-fiber fruit also aids in healthy digestion, so you feel satisfied without feeling weighed down. This fresh fruit has a short shelf life—only about five days—but frozen or preserved slices can last up to a year.


This season, find some of these fresh fruits at Cranberry Country Market in Monroe County, WI. Located right off of Highway 173, this country market stocks up on fresh fruit, produce, quality deli meats, and locally made cheese year-round. They also offer seasonal vegetables and fruits. View their selection online or call (608) 374-4944 to ask about their inventory.
