
Bruxism, more commonly known as nighttime teeth grinding, is characterized by jaw clenching during sleep. You may not even be aware that you’re doing it. Unfortunately, this habit can seriously harm your smile, requiring intensive dental care if not addressed. Find out what to know about the ailment below.

FAQ About Bruxism

Why does bruxism happen?

It’s difficult to pinpoint a single cause of night grinding; each case is unique. Stress and anxiety can play a role. For some patients, abnormal alignment of the upper and lower teeth may be a factor. TMJ, a disorder of the temporomandibular joint that causes clenching, is also related to the condition. 

What are the signs of night grinding?

dental careSince it occurs while you’re sleeping, it can be difficult to recognize bruxism. A dental care professional can pinpoint signs, including gum recession, fractures, and deterioration of the surfaces of the teeth. You may notice related symptoms, such as headaches, neck pain, and stiffness or swelling in the jaw joint caused by tension in the jaw muscles.

How does bruxism hurt your smile?

When you grind your teeth, the surfaces are slowly worn down over time. The enamel—the protective layer coating teeth—deteriorates, making your smile more susceptible to bacteria. This increases your risk of cavities and decay, which will require serious dental care procedures.

What treatment options are available? 

A dentist can provide a custom-made night guard. This is sort of like a retainer that you wear while sleeping; it protects against dental damage due to grinding. Ideally, you will be able to tackle the root of your bruxism; for example, if it’s stress related, you can try indulging in anxiety-relieving habits before bed. Additionally, counseling can help you achieve a better night’s sleep through healthy coping mechanisms.


Don’t let night grinding ruin your teeth and gums. Let Lowitz & Meier of Cincinnati, OH, provide the tailor-made solution you need to safeguard your smile. These professionals provide state-of-the-art orthodontics as well as general and cosmetic dentistry services. They give each patient detailed attention, creating a personalized care plan that suits their needs, whether that means a root canal or oral surgery. Visit their website for an overview of their solutions. To schedule a dental care appointment, call (513) 521-8900.
