
If you’re prone to back pain, the idea of dealing with an upcoming move can seem intimidating. After all, lifting every item in your home and moving it to a new place can be a lot for a single person to tackle. Keep these do’s and don’ts in mind on moving day to reduce discomfort and improve the efficiency of your relocation. 


Lift properly.  

Proper lifting helps prevent back pain because it moves the strain away from your back muscles and toward engaged leg and abdominal muscles. To lift properly, stand with your legs shoulder-width apart, close to the item you plan to lift. Bend down to crouch next to the item, and pull it close to your chest. Using your leg muscles, stand up and move forward toward your destination. 

Ask for help. 

back painWhile proper lifting is instrumental, you can still injure yourself if you attempt to carry something that’s too heavy for your body to manage. Always ask for assistance when moving a large or awkwardly shaped object, such as a couch or a dresser. Consider working with a team of professional movers to ease the burden.


Twist while rising. 

When lifting, focus on keeping your body facing forward. Never twist as you come out of a squatting position, as this movement can strain your back and neck muscles. 

Ignore discomfort. 

If you notice a sharp pain or discomfort when you lift, stop what you’re doing and ask for help. Never continue to work through pain, as doing so could worsen an injury.


If you start experiencing back or neck discomfort after a recent move, reach out to the team at North Pole Chiropractic in Alaska. Their team will take X-rays and create a treatment plan tailored to your unique needs. Whether you need a spinal adjustment, manipulation, or therapeutic muscle stretching, they’ll work to help you ease your discomfort. They also offer massage therapy from a certified massage therapist. Book your same-day appointment by giving them a call at (907) 488-1885, or find out more about their services online
