
Knowing when to schedule septic tank pumping can be a challenge. Some indicators aren’t as easy to detect, while others can cause a host of issues. However, neglecting to schedule this service could cause the entire system to malfunction. Below are three signs to look for to determine when to schedule septic tank pumping.

How to Tell Your Need Septic Tank Pumping

1. Foul Odors

Strong unpleasant smells coming from the drains is usually a clear sign of backflow. This tends to happen when the tank reaches full capacity and sends additional wastewater back through the plumbing. Pumping it out as soon as possible is the best way to improve the air quality of your home.

2. Sluggish Drains

septic tank pumpingDrains that take a while to empty indicate pumping services. These containers are made to hold only a certain amount of wastewater and waiting too long to clean them out will cause the drains to back up. Maintaining a regular septic tank pumping schedule every three years is the most effective method for improving the system’s functionality.

3. Standing Water

Pools of standing water that appear around the drain field could indicate an overflow. Once the tank is full, solid waste creates a clog in the drainage system, causing the liquid to accumulate on the surface. Because this wastewater contains sewage that didn’t fit in the tank, it acts as a fertilizer and produces lush grass. Watch for greener grass around the drain field in addition to standing dirty water. 



The team at A1 Septic Cleaning Service provides septic cleaning services to both residential and commercial clients across Kerr County, TX. The family-owned and -operated company strives to keep its prices at the most affordable level and maintain an assortment of quality equipment for getting the job done right. Learn more about the company’s services by visiting their website. Call (830) 257-7867 to set up a septic tank pumping appointment. 
