
If you live in an older home and plan to schedule renovations, it’s likely that building materials—from roofing and insulation to vinyl flooring and drywall—contain asbestos. A heat-resistant silicate mineral, asbestos was ruled a hazardous air pollutant in 1970 and it was banned by 1989. The guide below explains why these minerals are harmful and why you shouldn’t remove them yourself if you discover them during your home renovation.

What Is Asbestos & Why Is It Harmful?

Asbestos is a group of six minerals that are resistant to heat, fire, and chemicals, and don’t conduct electricity. The minerals are composed of long, curly fibers and they’re broken down into two groups. The first is serpentine, which contains chrysotile and is the most commonly used asbestos, and the second is amphibole, which is more limited in its ability of fabrication. It’s found in all areas of the home, including acoustic ceiling sprays and exterior stucco.

AsbestosThis material is extremely harmful. Inhaled fibers can cause scarring and inflammation in the lungs, which can lead to mesothelioma and lung, larynx, and ovary cancer. Asbestosis is a lung inflammation which can cause permanent damage, but it’s not known to be cancerous. Asbestos-related conditions can be difficult to identify and can take years to diagnose. Once a medical provider has determined asbestos as part of a condition, they can use several tools for a final diagnosis.

Can I Test For It Myself? 

Asbestos fibers are released into the air by the slightest disturbance, which occurs when homeowners remodel, repair, or perform home maintenance. While there are several at-home testing kits, if asbestos is discovered and disturbed, the homeowner may unknowingly track it around the home and put everyone's health in the household—including small children and pets—at risk.

It’s recommended that only professionals test for the material, as they wear protective gear and have the proper tools to determine its presence. They’ll collect air and building material samples, and conduct soil and water testing. They can also remove entirely without tracking it around the home. 



If you believe there is asbestos in your home, contact the professionals at Action Asbestos Removal. Located in Montville, CT, the team has helped residents across New London County for over 25 years. They offer 24-hour emergency service, so if you find the material during your home remodel, they will inspect the area and conduct immediate removal. To schedule an appointment, call (860) 848-2912. Visit their website to read more about their services. 
