
When ants find their way into your home, they can be more than a nuisance that puts your food in jeopardy. Some of these insects—such as carpenter ants—can also cause property damage. Others may bite your skin and trigger varying degrees of sensitivity. The best way to avoid these pest problems is to recognize what attracts these insects and address these risks early on. To help you maximize your critter control, here are a few common reasons why ants invade homes.

Why Do Ants Invade Homes?

Exposed Food

carpenter antsAnts are motivated by their quest for food. Once they pinpoint an ample source of food, these insects will return to the spot repeatedly. As such, leaving exposed items in your kitchen can be rather appealing to hungry swarms.

For proper pest control, it’s important to avoid leaving sweet goods, beverages, and ripe fruit out in the open. Carpenter ants may also be attracted to meat or pet food that has been left out. It’s also crucial to clean up any spills as quickly as possible.

Compromised Entryways

Several ant species may nest outdoors, but they will come into a home for food. If these bugs can find a compromised point of entry, they will have an easier time of invading your house. Common weak spots include loose weather stripping around doors and windows and cracks in the walls or foundation.

If you want to create a bigger distance between your property and ant colonies, it’s also helpful to clear away tree branches and shrubs from the perimeter of your home. These areas of the landscape are common places for ants to build nests.

Moisture Problems

Apart from food, ants require moisture to survive. For this reason, some species—including carpenter ants—will build indoor nests around areas of moisture. Common hiding spots include bathrooms, basements, and kitchen sinks. To prevent infestation, be sure to fix leaks as soon as possible. It’s also smart to dry the area completely to minimize lingering moisture.


While addressing these factors will reduce your home’s risk of an ant invasion, you can gain greater peace of mind by seeking help from All-Rite Pest Control. Serving the Versailles, KY, region for over 30 years, this exterminator has a long track record of identifying, removing, and eliminating all types of pest problems—including carpenter ants, bed bugs, spiders, and termites. Led by a board-certified entomologist, this team understands insect behaviors and the most effective—and safest—ways to keep them from impacting your life. To learn more about their resources, visit this pest control company online. For prompt care, call (859) 873-1400.
