
Whether it’s by the lake or in the woods, if you have a summer home that relies on a water well, there are a few steps to take before you can use the water. After a well has been dormant for many months, the water may have a different taste or taken on odors due to the surrounding soil and environment. Before you pack your travel bags for the season, here are the top water well maintenance tasks you need to do for your summer home.

How to Perform Water Well Maintenance Tasks for Summer Homes 

1. Run the Water

To flush out the old, stagnant water from the well, turn on the faucets and shower. Leaving them on for about five minutes should suffice. While they're running, inspect the water and check whether the clarity and flow rates seem normal. If not, take note; color irregularities could reveal possible contamination, while flow problems could signal issues with the pump.

water well maintenance2. Test the Content

Even if the water runs clear, you should still test for possible contamination. In fact, testing the water is something owners should do at least once a year as part of their regular maintenance tasks. There are home testing kits available that will look for any bacteria and nitrates; if a test reveals the presence of anything over 10 milligrams per liter, you’ll need to have your well professionally serviced. Contractors have more comprehensive tests and can accurately pinpoint the type and source of contamination.

3. Schedule a Professional Inspection

If a water well maintenance task uncovers something abnormal, bring in the professionals. Because a summer home is only used a short amount of time per year, it’s doubly necessary to have the water examined annually. Water is used for everything, from drinking and cooking to washing and bathing, so it’s in your best interests to have it maintained regularly and adequately.


If you haven’t booked a well inspection for your summer home yet, call Conyers Well Service today at (806) 647-3215. Located in Dimmitt, TX, they’re trusted by residents, farmers, and ranchers throughout the Panhandle area. They offer complete water well services; if you need pump repairs or basic water well maintenance, you can trust their technicians to handle the job. For more information on what these contractors can do, visit their website.
