
Bullying is an issue many children deal with, but many bullied children stay silent about their experiences. This can be psychologically damaging over time, and as a parent, you need to recognize when it’s happening. Only then can you seek counseling services and create a plan to resolve the issue. If you suspect your child is being bullied, there are telltale signs you can look for. Below are three of the most common ones.

Symptoms of Bullying at School

1. Unwillingness to Attend

It’s normal for kids to be reluctant to go to school early on. If it occurs later in the semester, however, it can mean that other factors have come into play. For many kids, this often means bullying. If your child suddenly doesn’t want to go to school or finds excuses to leave early, such as faking an illness, you should speak with their teacher, their guidance counselor, or outside counseling services. They can provide feedback and work with you to determine if your child is being bullied.

2. Increasing Isolation

counseling-servicesBullying isn’t always physical. Sometimes, bullies socially isolate a child. Many kids shift groups of friends over the years. If your child’s group suddenly dissolves and your child remarks that no one likes them, it can often be related to bullying. Isolation can impact self-confidence and other aspects of your child’s life; counseling services can help your child resolve these issues.

3. Losing Interest in Activities

Children who suddenly lose interest in after-school sports or activities are often bullied. They can be ignored by teammates or suddenly lack the confidence to perform. Your child may try to mask this by engaging in isolated activities like video games or computer usage more often than before. While these interests aren’t necessarily unusual, you need to make sure the shift wasn’t caused by bullying. Speak to a counseling service if you think your child’s changing interests may be linked to bullying.



If you believe your child is being bullied at school, counseling services can be an invaluable resource. Feinberg & Associates brings over 25 years of experience to its clients in Lexington, KY, and they also offer couples counseling, behavioral health, and depression. You can explore a full breakdown of the services David Feinberg, Ph.D. offers on his website. To schedule a consultation, call (859) 233-3390 today.
