
Every marriage goes through rough patches, some of which could put even strong unions on the path to divorce. Fortunately, you don’t have to navigate this difficult terrain on your own. Marriage counseling can help you identify the specific problems in your relationship, open up lines of communication, and foster a stable, nurturing bond. Below are some of the most common signs you and your spouse should consider counseling.

4 Signs You May Need Marriage Counseling

1. Lack of Communication

The ability to communicate openly is one of the strongest signs of a healthy marriage. Without it, your bottled-up feelings may eventually lead to resentment, anger, and serious fights that only harm your relationship. A marriage counselor can provide you with the tools to discuss your feelings in a productive way that will make the marriage happier for both of you.

2. Repetitive Arguments

marriage counselingHaving the same arguments over and over again can be extremely frustrating, making you feel as though you aren’t being heard. Marriage counseling provides an impartial setting in which you can express yourselves, with an impartial professional who will help you see things from your spouse’s point of view.

3. Sudden Changes in Your Sex Life

The level of intimacy in your marriage can be a strong indicator of the health of your relationship. Sudden lack of desire or a less activity can be a product of stress or other problems, but it may be related to marriage issues your therapist can help you work through.

4. Infidelity

Affairs are emotionally devastating and often lead to the end of a marriage. However, if you’ve decided to try to work things out, a skilled therapist can help you sort through the hurt feelings, identify insecurities, and give you the tools to rebuild your bond.


With over a quarter-century of experience helping couples throughout the Lexington, KY area build strong, healthy relationships, Feinberg & Associates offers effective marriage counseling you can trust. They’re committed to helping you work through even the most difficult issues and truly care about building the best relationship possible. Visit their website for more on their counseling and therapy services or call (859) 233-3390 to schedule your first appointment today.
