
Eggs are one of the healthiest kinds of fresh produce you can eat, packing a load of protein, nutrients, and minerals with few calories. They can boost your metabolism, improve your vision, and even help you lose weight. To learn more about why the American Heart Association recommends eating one egg a day, here are some of the benefits of eating eating pastured eggs from a local country market.

The Benefits of Eating Farm-Fresh Eggs 

1. Rich in Vitamins & Minerals

Eggs are one of the most nutrient-dense foods in the world, containing more vitamins and minerals than most fresh produce. They are rich in vitamin D, which sustains the bones and the immune system, and choline, which aids liver function and fetal brain development in pregnant women. They also contain lutein and zeaxanthin, which help reduce the risk of eye degeneration and diseases such as cataracts.

Eggs that come from farm-raised chickens contain higher amounts of omega-3 acids, which have been linked to improved cardiovascular health and can even help prevent conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis.

2. Can Help You Lose Weight

While one large hard-boiled egg contains just 78 calories, less than most healthy snacks available on the market, its 6 grams of protein make it surprisingly filling. This can help people who are trying to lose weight, keeping them satisfied for longer with fewer calories. Studies have also shown that meals with fresh eggs can boost your metabolism and increase satiety and reduce food intake during following meals, making it a healthy choice for those trying to control their portions.

3. Harvested Humanely

Wisconsin Fresh ProduceWhen you buy fresh produce from a local grocer, you get eggs that come from farm-raised and often cage-free hens. These animals are treated humanely, being permitted to walk, spread their wings, lay eggs in nests, and engage in other natural behaviors. This gives you the peace of mind that the source of your family’s sustenance is coming from an eco-conscious, compassionate source.


For farm-raised eggs and other delicious, fresh produce, visit the Cranberry Country Market in Tomah, WI. This friendly, family-run country market stocks their shelves with local food year-round, including high-quality pastured eggs, In season fresh fruits and vegetables, cured deli meats, and other delights at affordable prices. Visit their Facebook page for updates and reviews, learn more about their produce selection on their website, or call (608) 374-4944 to speak with a grocer.
