
While plumbing issues can occur any time of year, there are several specific to springtime you should be aware of. Melting snow, new plant growth, and rainy weather are among the major contributors. Proactive action can, therefore, wind up saving you both time and money. The guide below explores the most common of these problems and the best plumbing solutions.

3 Plumbing Problems to Watch for This Season

1. Cracked Pipes

Uninsulated pipes can freeze during the winter and possibly burst if the pressure becomes severe enough. More subtly, these freeze-thaw cycles can result in cracks, which worsen as the weather warms. Therefore, check for signs of leaks around your home, including water stains on the walls and ceilings, under bathroom and kitchen sinks, or around your toilet. Higher water bills also occur when leaks are present.

Determine the best plumbing solutions with your local contractors, such as repairing or replacing leaking pipes depending on their age and the extent of the damage. Use foam or other insulating materials in the future to protect pipes from winter freezes.

2. Tree & Shrub Root Infiltration

As plants, shrubs, and trees begin new growing seasons, their root systems can infiltrate nearby pipes, resulting in leaks and damages. Some root systems can even reach the main sewer line. Look for signs of soil saturation around your yard, as well as other indicators, such as low water pressure.

The best plumbing fixes for root system infiltrations typically include pipe replacements and may call for shrub or tree removal. Avoid further problems by familiarizing yourself with the root systems of each tree and shrub you wish to plant and ensuring they are as far away from your home as possible.

3. Clogged Pipes

best plumbingMany people take longer, hotter showers in the winter into early spring, increasing the amount of shed hair and soap scum in drains. Springtime bathing of dogs can also clog pipes because the animals start losing their winter hair. If you have noticed slow drains and low water pressure, call for a professional drain cleaning.


If you’ve noticed problems with your plumbing this spring, contact Parker Solutions LLC for maintenance and repairs. These licensed and insured, contractors have served Elko County, NV, since 1982 providing the region’s best plumbing services as well as heating and air conditioning repair and air duct cleaning. Call (775) 738-4681 today for a free estimate or visit the contractors online for product and service information. Get additional home improvement tips on Facebook.
