
Winter is tough on every part of your house, especially the garage door. Accumulated road salt, heavy usage, and extreme weather can slowly wear down exterior surfaces and interior parts, eventually causing a failure that could lock you in or out. Below are a few common repairs you might need this spring. 

3 Garage Door Problems to Look Out For 

1. Worn-Down Mechanisms

garage doorDuring months of below-freezing weather, most people are more likely to keep their cars in the garage. While garage door mechanisms are remarkably durable, daily usage can wear down pulleys, gears, and the motor. If you used your garage frequently during the winter, check for loose door opener mechanisms—from pulleys to chains—and corroded tracks. If they’re faulty, they could compromise the functionality of your garage door. 

2. Corroded Door

Just as road salt can corrode the undercarriage of your car, it can also eat away at the bottom of your garage door. Salt deposits on the bottom of the door can sit for months, causing extensive corrosion and eventually compromising the structure itself. Look for stained or faded paint, and keep an eye on chipping or peeling wood. If you spot the latter, consult with a professional to properly repair and seal the door to prevent further damage. 

3. Damaged Insulation

Insulated garage doors help keep the room more comfortable and lower your utility bills, so it’s important to ensure it’s in good condition. As spring starts, check the insulation on your door as well as the weatherstripping around the frame for damage. Having any elements replaced before summer hits can prevent waste and reduce your energy expenses.


If your garage door needs attention after a difficult winter, call the experts at Automatic Garage Door Repair Service. They’ve been serving homeowners across Monroe County, NY, for over 35 years, providing reliable work using only the best products and materials on the market. Visit their website to learn more about their repair services or call (585) 663-1180 to schedule an appointment.
