
Allergy side effects can be grueling, and without a proper diagnosis, you may be accidentally exposing yourself to allergens. An allergist is your best resource. If you’re preparing for your first visit, there are important steps to take. Going in prepared will ensure the best results and that you receive all the care you need.

How to Prepare for an Allergist Visit

1. Bring Your Family Medical History

The allergist will need to understand health complications you and your family members are dealing with or have dealt with, allergies everyone faces, and other pertinent information that gives them insight into your health. Bring your complete family medical history, not just your own. They’ll closely examine everything for allergy patterns or sources and, in general, get an idea of your overall health. This factors into treatment options and reactions they may anticipate during allergy testing.

2. Have a Side Effect Diary

allergistAllergies affect everyone differently, so keep a detailed account of all the side effects you experience. Common ones are congestion, itchy eyes, rashes, and swelling. Include when they occurred and any environmental factors, such as what you touched, where you were, and what you ate. The allergist can use this information to hone in on potential triggers.

3. Bring Plenty of Questions

Living with allergies requires lifestyle changes, especially if you have life-threatening allergic reactions. An allergist is your best resource, so ask plenty of questions. Talk about ways you can alleviate allergy symptoms—such as with antihistamines or eye drops—how you can avoid triggers like pollen or insect bites, and in-office treatment options like allergy shots. This will ensure you’re properly informed and on track to conquering your allergies.


Allergies don’t have to be a debilitating problem. Allergy and Asthma Specialty Center/Masood Ahmad, MD in West Chester, OH, offers a variety of solutions to patients. Allergist Dr. Masood Ahmad has 25 years of experience in the field and offers treatment to patients of every age. Visit their website to explore their allergy testing and allergy shot options, and call (513) 777-7097 to schedule an appointment.
