
Whether your asphalt surface is for residential or commercial use, springtime maintenance keeps it functional and attractive. However, while asphalt is a dependable material for driveways and parking lots, it is still subject to factors that promote premature deterioration, such as elemental damage and stains from gasoline and motor oil. Use these maintenance tips to prolong the life of your asphalt surface this spring.

3 Spring Maintenance Tips For Asphalt Driveways & Parking Lots

1. Inspect For Cracks & Other Damages

Perform a detailed inspection of your asphalt driveway or parking lot. Take photos of all damage, such as cracks and potholes from weather changes, weed infiltration, and deterioration of tire stops, speed bumps, and curbs. Make sure to look at your parking lot or driveway after the next rain storm to see if water pools in any specific spots.asphalt

If you are performing a parking lot inspection only, additional tasks include checking the condition of the drains, which should feature grate openings no more than a half-inch wide and a contrasting paint color to avoid tripping hazards. If you have access covers for utilities, make sure they are flush with the asphalt.

2. Schedule Repairs & Sealcoating With a Paving Contractor

Schedule the appropriate repairs, such as pothole patching and crack sealing, with licensed paving contractors. Make sure to request sealcoating services to fortify the asphalt against elemental damage such as UV rays and heavy rains. Sealcoating also protects the asphalt from gasoline, motor oil, and other chemicals that cause premature deterioration. Use this service every one to three years, depending on weather changes as well as the volume of vehicular traffic.

3. Paint Parking Lot Lines & Clean Regularly

Get the lines separating parking lot spaces repainted, if applicable, for both appearance and safety reasons. Parking lots with severely-faded lines not only look unattractive; they increase the chances of accidents. Sweep your driveway or parking lot regularly to keep it free of dirt, leaves, twigs, rocks, and other debris. Debris on asphalt is more than unsightly, as it creates warmth and moisture contributing to premature wear. It also attracts insects and wildlife.


Schedule asphalt repair and sealcoating services with AAA Paving Company this spring to keep your residential or commercial surface looking great. The locally owned paving company has served the Triad area of North Carolina for nearly 30 years and provides industrial as well as residential and commercial asphalt paving and maintenance services. Call (336) 723-1418 today to schedule paving repairs or visit the team online to learn more about how they can help.
