
Armed with a chemical cleaning solution and a rag, you might feel like no mess can stand in your way. However, there are many loopholes in the cleaning process, and not knowing where you could go wrong might mean the difference between a safe workspace and the rampant spread of germs. If you use disinfectant cleaners to get rid of viruses and bacteria on your surfaces, use the following tips to ensure your efforts don’t go to waste.

3 Tips for Using Disinfectant Cleaners Properly

1. Use an All-Purpose Cleaner First

Using a disinfectant on a surface littered with dry particles won’t completely rid the surface of bacteria. First, you’ll need to sweep or dust the area, then clean it with an all-purpose solution to ensure the particles are removed. Once the surface is visibly clean, you can move forward with the disinfecting process, eliminating the microscopic viruses and bacteria left behind.

2. Let It Sit

disinfectantSpraying disinfectant onto a surface and wiping it off isn’t enough to kill pathogens. You need to allow the chemical to sit on the soiled surface for around 10 minutes. Also, it must remain wet during this entire period, and if it dries before 10 minutes, you didn’t apply enough and should add more product. Once the disinfectant has worked its magic, you can safely wipe down the surface.

3. Use the Right Tool

No matter how powerful the disinfectant is or how diligently you scrub, using cleaning solutions will be futile if you don’t give thought to the cloth you use. For optimal germ removal, use a microfiber cloth instead of a terry cloth, and make sure it starts and stays clean. For each surface, use a new, clean portion of the cloth, and replace the towel once all areas have been used once. Otherwise, you’ll simply spread germs from one surface to another.


If you’re looking for a cleaning equipment supplier to stock your business with illness-preventing essentials, turn to Lamers Enterprise in Honolulu, HI. They offer several quality products, including disinfectants, toilet seat covers, wastebaskets, and doorstops. This company also provides a range of cleaning equipment, such as shampooers, pressure washers, and burnishers. Visit the website to view their inventory, or call (808) 845-9365 to place an order.
