
Core values act as pillars, influencing the way a company operates, the messages it shares with the world, and the goals it sets for the future. It can be difficult to establish your business’s values if you don’t know where to start, so here are some helpful tips to help you determine the core principles that drive your business strategy.

4 Tips To Nail Down Your Core Business Values

1. Brainstorm

business strategyTo decide the values that will guide your business strategy, gather your team for a brainstorm. Ask them to share what aspects of your company make it stand out from the crowd, jotting down all their suggestions on a whiteboard or large notepad everyone can see. Collaboration usually lends the most creative results, and your team knows your business like no one else.

2. Streamline

Once your writing space is bursting with ideas, encourage your team to group similar words to narrow down concepts. Principles like “creativity” and “innovation,” for example, could go under a single umbrella, while “teamwork” and “synergy” would go under another. Group concepts until you have only a handful of distinct categories, which will help you identify main ideas.

3. Prioritize

From there, order the groups from least to most important based on your company’s overall image, mission, and business goals. Discuss the top four or five categories, clearly defining them with detailed phrases that can now serve as your official company values.

To remind your employees to inject those values into every part of your business, display these ideas in your office, post them on your website, and incorporate them when you’re interviewing candidates.

4. Evolve

As your company grows and changes, revisit your values every few years to ensure they’re still serving you. If they aren’t, don’t be afraid to go back to the drawing board, repeating this process until you have a new set of values that will guide your business strategy in the future.


For more tips on how to elevate your business strategy and take your company to the next level, turn to the business optimization experts at Yancey Consulting in St. Louis, MO. For over 20 years, Lori Yancey has helped companies hire top talent, address organizational issues, and create clear visions for their future. Learn more about how she can help your business on her website, or call (314) 614-7542 to set up an appointment.
