
While drinking wine occasionally shouldn’t cause any long-term harm to your oral health, it can cause serious discoloration that leaves you hiding your smile. Both red and white varieties contain acids that wear away enamel, leaving teeth more susceptible to staining caused by tannin pigments found in the drink. Fortunately, maintaining a brighter smile doesn’t necessarily mean having to give up the drink entirely. By following these five cosmetic dentistry tips, you can enjoy wine while protecting your teeth from staining.  

5 Tips for Drinking Wine Without Staining Your Teeth

1. Brush Before Drinking

Bacterial plaque that builds up on enamel makes it easier for wine tannins to stick to teeth and cause discoloration. To keep these pigments from sticking, brush your teeth before consuming wine to remove plaque. By contrast, you should avoid brushing right after drinking, as the abrasive activity may enhance the wine’s acidic properties and intensify enamel damage.

2. Drink Plenty of Water

Drinking water with your glass of wine won’t just help you stay hydrated—it will also help you maintain a superior smile. Specifically, water helps rinse away plaque, food debris, and tannins that may contribute to staining

3. Snack on Smile-Saving Foods

cosmetic dentistryConsuming snacks along with your wine can help prevent tooth discoloration. Cheese, for example, offers a unique texture that can help scrub stains away from teeth as you chew. Munching on high-fiber snacks—such as carrots, apples, spinach, and celery—also promotes saliva production, making it easier for your mouth to rinse away staining components.

4. Schedule Regular Teeth Cleanings

When you visit your dentist every six months for regular teeth cleanings, hard-to-remove plaque will be cleared away from your teeth. In addition to preventing cavities, this treatment offers cosmetic dentistry benefits by making it more difficult for tannins to adhere to enamel and cause discoloration. It can also help remove surface stains that have been caused by wine.

5. Talk to Your Dentist About Teeth Whitening

If regular teeth cleanings aren’t leaving you with a vibrant smile, ask your dentist about professional teeth whitening. In this cosmetic dentistry treatment, your provider will apply a special bleaching solution to help lift deep stains from teeth. When compared to at-home teeth whitening products, this option tends to produce results that are several shades brighter, last longer, and take less time to achieve.



Whether wine, coffee, or tea is taking away from your smile’s shine, Dr. Thomas Park, DDS is here to help you reclaim your confidence. Providing highly customized care in Seymour, CT, this local dentist offers cleanings and whitening treatments to keep your teeth healthy, strong, and bright. In addition to routine maintenance, Dr. Park also offers advanced cosmetic dentistry services to further enhance your appearance such as veneers and dental implants. Visit this dental office online to learn more about these capabilities or call (203) 888-9947 to schedule a stress-free appointment.
