
While flu season peaks during the winter, this virus can spread well into spring. By understanding how the flu virus functions and why it’s imperative to get a flu vaccine, you can keep your family healthy all year long. This guide will break down what makes the flu contagious and basic steps you can take to shield yourself against it. 

Avoiding The Flu: What to Know About This Virus

How Does The Flu Spread?

As with many viruses, the flu spreads through microscopic droplets. When someone with the flu coughs, sneezes, or even talks close to you, they could be sending the virus your way. Generally, these droplets can spread between people who are within six feet of each other. The virus can spread from the droplets when they come in contact with mucous membranes in your eyes, nose, and mouth. 

When Are People Most Contagious?

It can be tricky to spot when individuals are carrying the flu virus since they can be contagious starting 24 hours before they show symptoms. They can then spread the virus to others up to a week after they start feeling sick. Children may spread the virus longer than adults. If someone in experiencing symptoms, they are likely contagious. 

How Can You Avoid Getting The Flu?

vaccinesOne of the main ways to avoid the virus is to get a flu vaccine. Most doctors offices, urgent care facilities, and pharmacies offer a vaccine, so make sure that your family stays up to date yearly. It’s also essential to practice regular hand washing and avoid touching your face. Keep your home clean, and be sure that your family members stay home when they’re feeling sick. Teach your children to cover their coughs and sneezes with a tissue or their elbow. All of these steps can keep the flu virus out of your home.



Whether you need a flu vaccine or cold remedies, the staff at Columbia Hickory Pharmacy can fulfill your family’s health needs. Located in Columbia, MD, these pharmacists supply a variety of prescriptions as well as medical supplies like blood pressure kits. You can also stop in for HIV counseling and medical equipment repair. To learn more about their compassionate services, visit them online or call (410) 964-6409.
