
The ambiance is an essential aspect of the dining experience, which is why you should strive to create a comfortable atmosphere for customers at your restaurant. There are several ways you can breathe new life into the establishment with modern accents, like hiring a painting contractor to cover walls in a new shade or installing eye-catching fixtures. People will be interested to see the updates, which will attract more customers to your business. If you’re unsure how to revamp the space, here are a few suggestions to get you started.

3 Design Ideas to Modernize Your Restaurant

1. Add Lounge Seating

Lounge seating encourages guests to relax, get comfortable, and linger in your establishment, giving them the opportunity to order more food and drinks. You can install plush seating in luxurious fabrics to add an eclectic vibe, or choose sleek materials, such as steel benches, to give the space a modern aesthetic. Regardless of what you select, be sure to painting contractor paints the furniture to match your brand’s colors and interior style for a cohesive look.

2. Install New Light Fixtures

painting contractorUpdating the lighting design dramatically changes the look of your restaurant and establishes the mood you want to set. When finalizing the lighting scheme, remember low light encourages patrons to relax and stay longer, while bright light is better for high-energy atmospheres, such as family restaurants where customers don’t tend to linger after eating. For ambient lighting, place large, modern fixtures near the entrance, over the bar, and in the center of the dining room. Place small lamps on or above tables for task lighting so that customers can easily read menus.

3. Paint the Restaurant Logo on a Wall

Similar to interior painting a room in your home, an accent wall can also make the dining room of your restaurant more visually appealing. A painting contractor can cover the majority of the walls in one color from the restaurant signage. They can also add a larger company logo or mascot on one of the surfaces to create an accent wall. Making marketing imagery noticeable is a fantastic way to build brand recognition.


If you want to include interior or exterior painting as part of your restaurant renovation, contact the skilled team at JD Painting & Decorating in Hawaii. For over 30 years, these professionals have offered traffic coatings, special finishes, and custom painting to businesses across Oahu at affordable prices. View their gallery of past projects online, or connect with the team on Facebook for the latest news and updates. Call (808) 2424-9731 to contact the painting contractors at the Wailuku office or dial (808) 632-2160 to reach the Lihue location.
