
Everyone gets angry from time to time. However, some people may have difficulty controlling their anger, especially during tense situations. If you struggle to control your emotions, it may impact your life and those around you. Fortunately, there are techniques you can practice to control your anger. Below are different approaches you can implement to practice a healthier anger management system. 

A Guide to Managing Anger  

Recognize Triggers

anger managementIdentify and make a list of situations that make you upset. Knowing these triggers ahead of time can help you avoid them and better prepare to handle them. You’re less likely to be overcome with anger when you’re self-aware and know what can cause it to arise. Try to avoid these triggers as much as possible. For instance, if running late to work or a meeting upsets you, keep track of time and give yourself several minutes to get ready before heading out. 

Exercise Frequently 

Exercise reduces anxiety, stress, and depression, all of which can cause or exacerbate irritability and anger. Exercising releases endorphins, or the “feel-good” hormones in the brain, resulting in positive feelings. Activities such as yoga and martial arts can also help you gain better self-control and self-awareness. Other activities such as weight-lifting or kickboxing, can also provide an outlet to channel your aggression in a safe, constructive way.

Try to View the Situation From a Different Perspective 

When you’re upset, you may feel like the situation is worse than it actually is. Cognitive restructuring is a technique to reframe your thought process and replace negative thoughts with more rational ones. For instance, instead of thinking, “Everything is ruined,” think, “This is frustrating, but not hopeless.” Use logic, and try to gain a more balanced perspective of the situation. Reason with the other person and try to see the situation from their point of view so you can get a better understanding of why they feel the way they do. 

Talk to a Professional About Anger Management 

A therapist can help you identify the source of your anger and develop strategies for healthy, constructive coping. They’ll work with you not only to identify triggers but to also to understand why certain situations make you feel the way you do. A mental healthcare provider will also help you with coping mechanisms, including breathing exercises and communications strategies, to better control and express your emotions. 



If you’re a Rochester, NY, resident turn to the compassionate professionals at White Spruce Counseling for anger management help. Whether you need aid with anger management or substance abuse counseling, you can trust them to provide personalized, expert treatment. Call (585) 424-2436 to schedule a consultation or visit the website to learn more about their services. 
