
Wearing the wrong shoe size can cause foot cramps and blisters or exacerbate pre-existing issues. That is why you should have your feet measured to make sure you have enough room to wiggle your toes when buying a new pair. In many cases, people also use orthotics with footwear for additional support. If you experience foot pain, below is essential information you should know about orthotics and how they can alleviate discomfort. 

What Orthotic Inserts Are & Why People Wear Them

shoesTypically made of hard plastic covered in foam or other soft materials, custom-made and over-the-counter orthotics are placed inside shoes to support the foot and ankle. The devices change the way feet make contact with the ground and how weight is distributed, reducing the risk of foot fatigue when walking or standing for long periods. Different devices are used based on what issues need to be addressed. In the case of flat feet, for example, heel or side inserts are used to provide better arch support. This helps prevent tendinitis and other issues caused by strain.   

How the Devices Alleviate Pain

Apart from preventing aches and problems walking, orthotics can also reduce or eliminate existing foot pain. Corn and calluses, for example, are thick layers of skin that form to protect the tissue from friction. The area under a callus or corn is often tender. If the hardened skin is located between toes, a podiatrist might recommend using orthotics that separate the toes. This will prevent the friction that causes pain. Bunions rubbing against the inside of shoes can also cause pain and discomfort. In this case, a bunion shield might be placed in the shoe to reduce friction.  



If the condition of your shoes is causing foot pain, reach out to the professionals at Sofia Shoe Repair Service. Based in Rochester, NY, they have over 70 years of experience providing shoe resoling, dying, orthotics, and additional solutions to renew old footwear. To schedule a service, call (585) 244-5907. Visit their website to read more about their services.
