
Dealing with termites of any kind requires the assistance of a skilled exterminator. However, it’s helpful to understand the type of termite that’s wreaking havoc on your property. Two of the most common are drywood and dampwood termites, which make their presence known in different ways and require varying treatments. 

What Are Drywood Termites?

termitesDrywood termites thrive on wood that has not started to decompose, where they make their home and consume the moisture they need to survive. Because they draw their strength from the wood itself, they’re capable of producing extensive damage via the lengthy tunnels that they chew through. This impacts the integrity of wooden structures significantly over time.

If you have drywood termites on your property, you might notice what appears to be a pile of sand near the affected wood. The sand particles are actually fecal pellets that the pests expel through openings in their nests. If you spot a large mound, it’s typically indicative of an infestation, but only your exterminator can determine if the insects are still active.

What Are Dampwood Termites?

By comparison, dampwood termites feed on wet wood. Naturally moist wood sources, like logs, lumber, and tree branches, are common areas where you may discover these unwanted pests. They operate quietly by digging deep hollows in wooden structures and weakening them over time. By the time you discover the damage, it’s usually too late to salvage. This is partially because dampwood termites cover up the openings in wood with their fecal matter, making them tough to trace. Sometimes these pellets are visible if the wood is particularly wet. In that case, your exterminator may be able to spot them. Otherwise, drier wood typically causes the pellets to fall to the base.


If you’re concerned about a potential termite problem on your property, turn to the qualified exterminators at AAA Termite & Pest Control. Based on Oahu, the company offers effective termite treatments and inspections and will work to resolve the problem as quickly as possible. The family-owned business takes pride in outstanding customer service, and they can address any of your pest control concerns. Visit their website for more information, or call (808) 247-5533.
