
Scheduling a regular eye exam is an integral part of maintaining your vision. During the exam, your optometrist will take a detailed look at the intricate inner parts of your eye. To accomplish this, they’ll dilate your eyes. If you’ve never had the procedure done, it’s beneficial to know what to expect. To ensure things go smoothly and that you practice proper aftercare, read on for everything you need to know below.

What It’s Like to Have Your Eyes Dilated

Why Is It Necessary?

The pupil is the entrance to your eye. All images you receive travel through it and are processed and passed to the brain. During the eye exam, your eye doctor will dilate your eyes. This allows them to examine the optic nerve, retina, and other crucial parts of your eye. They can then determine if you’re at risk of vision loss or diagnose any signs of glaucoma, macular degeneration, and other serious eye issues.

What to Expect

eye examTo begin, your eye doctor will administer eye drops that dilate your pupils. It takes roughly 20-30 minutes for your pupils to completely open. You may experience slight discomfort from the eye drops at first, and feel some pressure or tightness. Your eyes will stay dilated for 4-6 hours, and side effects include sensitivity to light, blurriness, or difficulty focusing on close objects. Overall, it’s a safe and painless procedure.


Following the eye exam, have a friend drive you home if your vision is still altered. Wearing sunglasses protects against sensitivity, and avoiding computers and other screens that cause eye strain will help your vision return to normal faster. If you experience side effects beyond the 6-hour time, alert your eye doctor so they can evaluate the situation.


If you’re overdue for an eye exam, turn to the professionals at Eye Care Locale. Located in Cincinnati, OH, they’ve served the area since 2016, and their skilled team diagnoses, treats, and manages a variety of conditions. Whether you’re living with an eye disease like glaucoma or just need vision assistance, they’ll work with you to find a solution. Call (513) 251-9464 to schedule an appointment and visit their website to learn more about their practice. For more eye care tips, connect with them on Facebook.
