
Today, incorporating water features into landscaping projects involve water. The gentle sounds and the serene feelings water features engender can help transform a backyard into a relaxing getaway. If you haven't yet considered adding a water feature to your backyard landscape design, below are some suggestions to help with your decision.

4 Water-Focused Landscaping Features for Your Backyard

1. Fountains

Fountains come in a wide selection of styles. There are classic fountain designs we all recognize, like the one that features a girl pouring out a bottomless jug of water to create a soothing, trickling sound.  For those who prefer more dynamic fountains, others can spray ten feet or more into the air, producing a cool mist able to blow across your yard and make hot summer days outdoors more enjoyable. 

2. Backyard Ponds

landscapingIf you're considering installing a backyard pond, know that its size is really only limited by the amount of space you have available in your yard. Wild-animal enthusiasts will especially appreciate this feature, as backyard ponds tend to attract wildlife, such as deer, foxes, turtles, frogs, a variety of birds, and even friendly insects like dragonflies. The soft croaking, chirruping, and whistling of the local fauna coupled with the enhanced view will keep you in tune with nature and free of stress.

3. Waterfalls

Whether you pair a waterfall with a backyard pond or it operates solo, the gentle sound of falling water is a pacifying antidote for stressful days at work. Instead of hurrying out of the city to a rural mountain retreat each weekend, you can kick back and shake off the week's tension from the comfort of home.

4. Rain Curtains

Rain curtains are a particular type of waterfall, which manifests as a flat sheet of glistening water. It is particularly beautiful in the sunlight and produces a sound that's more similar to a continuous surf than a trickle. It's ideal for drowning out disruptive sounds and noises, like honking traffic noise or conversations between neighbors nearby. 


To have a backyard pond or other type of water feature installed in your yard, contact Rossi Landscaping in Northfield, OH. Family-owned and operated, the full-service landscape design and installation company has been serving customers throughout Summit County for over 30 years. They also specialize in mulch application, outdoor lighting, patio installation, and fertilization service. Check out their website to read what their customers have to say or call (330) 467-2448 to schedule a consultation.
